About Slade
I had my first clear experience with my inner source in 2009. It was an emotional time for me as a person, making one of the hardest, most emotional choices of my life, and I clearly heard a voice inside me, that was not my normal thought-voice, give me a one-word answer clear as day.
That was a lightning bolt moment in my life. The universe (as I thought of it) could speak, and it had just spoken to me.
I became obsessed with living my entire life aligned with the will of the universe and my inner voice.
I had read books by an enlightened master, dipped one foot in the pool of self-discovery, but now I dove in deep.
Reading voraciously, memorizing poems, I followed every new inkling that something might move me forward on my path. During this period sometimes I would read a whole book for one single sentence that shifted my worldview.
I went through break-ups and new relationships until I realized I was using other people as a band-aid for my fears of loneliness. So I went deeper and made friends with myself instead.
Every job I took paid me the same amount, no matter how the pay was structured. So I looked further in myself and discovered what I thought I was worth, and gave myself a raise.
I realized that alignment looked a lot like self-care.
Self-care is centering your whole life around your highest good. This means your meal times, bed-times, relaxation time and work time (to name a few) all serve you to your best, highest good. It’s creating energetic flow in your life.
Coming into alignment with my highest good looked like removing what didn’t work in my life. Often there is less to put in that improves our lives, but rather taking out old habits that do not serve us. Alignment is a habit too.
I examined why I did the things that I habitually did, like my sleep habits, my eating habits, what I did to move my body, how I talked to people – everything. I stayed up late because I thought it was cool to be a night owl, but snoozing my alarm 7 times in the morning left me groggy for my work day. So I set myself alarms to go to bed earlier instead.
My go-to meals bored the crap out of me, so I learned to cook wider variety, and flow each day with what to make today.
Working in a coffeeshop bored me to tears, so I got a new career in massage that had me breaking down crying in class because I’d finally discovered what I was meant to do. (Spoiler alert: it still is.)
Slowly, I changed. I came striding into my own life after years in someone else’s story.
I did this mostly alone and it took me a long time.
You never have to go it alone. Let’s walk the road together.
When I was learning to listen inside, the hardest thing in the world was trusting myself.
Was this really my inner voice? Was I making it up? How could I ever even know the difference?
The doubt was devastating. Meeting other people on the same journey helped immensely, and working with mentors and teachers who could guide me on my own path through this territory.
Now I help other people do the same: true up their whole lives with their soul’s calling. I’ve had clients who left their jobs for something more fulfilling, who took on community projects, who revitalized relationships with their most important family members and friends. These kinds of choices happen in a moment, guided by the connection with your highest good.
When you feel into the universe, all of life becomes your guide.
We are all being called to the fulfillment of our soul’s calling. There is no greater prize in the game of life than to live the life of your dreams, at peace and content.
This is an extremely achievable goal. There is no hocus pocus, no secret, just learning to see where you give up joy and ease in living. And then building new habits.